Thursday, 3 March 2016

What are the most common investment mistakes made by most stock market investors across the world?

One of the harsh realities of investing in stock market is that, it is no easy game. The thought of making quick money still pushes many investors into the lap of stock market. Investors make    many mistakes. Here are some of the most common mistakes:
1.      Lack of a Well-Diversified Portfolio
Diversify your portfolio is one valuable advice that you repeatedly see on many investment sites.Yet, many fail to do spread out their investments among different asset classes and stocks. Imagine the trouble that would come your way, if your entire investment strategy was revolves around one particular industry or company. One move and the stock of that company can go down the drain along with the money you invested.
2.      Impulsive Financial Decisions
The most common error that many investors make is not knowing how much to invest.  Never take loans to invest in the stock market. Investors make rash financial decisions without doing their bit of research, and most of the decisions are based on fear or greed. This indicates that you are being impulsive about your investments.
3.      Failure to Stay Strong and Think Long
Investors should refrain from buying and selling on daily movements. If you want to get good rewards, you need to be in the stock market for the long haul.


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