Thursday, 3 March 2016

What are the famous WhatsApp tricks?

"Daily backups occur at 02:00"
Everyday at 02:00, WhatsApp creates backup of all the chats in the internal memory. The size of the backup file increases each day as we receive and send messages daily. 

You can see in the image below that the 2nd backup file is larger than the 1st one, although by a tiny amount. But they were not generated in 24 hrs interval.
Also, the size depends upon the volume of messages you send and receive, and on the type of messages (multimedia, text, contacts etc). Multimedia files are not backed up in these files, but their thumbnails must be in there, somewhere. So over time, it uses up a lot of phone's internal memory. At one point, my daily backup files amounted to 50 MB! I reduced it by deleting individual chats.
Anyway, the point is, if you need backup of your chats, the latest generated file is the only useful file because it contains latest conversations as well as contents of the old backup files. You can delete the rest of the files which are unnecessarily just sitting there. It can free up a considerable amount of space.
Location of the backup folder is: Internal storage --> WhatsApp --> Databases.
On a different note, if you are switching phones and want to take your chats with you, then, before installing WhatsApp on the new phone, create the same folders in internal memory and copy the latest generated backup file in Databases folder. When you setup WhatsApp later, backup will be detected and you will be asked if you want to restore the messages.


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