Saturday, 24 December 2016

What is the best way to make a million dollars?

Well, I won’t focus on what is the fastest, the safest, the most potent money making the method. I will talk about the best way to make a million dollar from my viewpoint, and I would say that the best money making method is the one that has a positive impact, that changes
something, that brings value and makes the world better and safer.
In rest, the Internet is full of ideas and there are many great answers here.
Let us see what may have an impact:
#1 Electric Vehicles
This is Tesla Model S
Looks beautiful, right?
But what is great about this is car is the fact that it doesn't need any fuel - it is an electrical car, which means you can save your money and you may feel proud that you don’t harm the environment. There is all this fever about the global warming, right?
Tesla had a profit of $22 million for the third quarter - but the company is huge and I guess you don’t have such big plans.
However, imagine a world where you didn't have to fuel your car. You can create your own electric car or employ professionals to develop one and sell the idea to you for reproduction. This should be a trend in the future and there are many people who are ready to switch for an eco-car.
Another great idea would be to convert typical cars into electric vehicles by changing the engine and making some improvements. If you make a good business plan, this idea can work really well.
An electric car conversion would cost between $10,000 to $20,000 without considering the donor car price. If you make such conversion to more than 100 cars (and add some other cool stuff of your own), you can become a millionaire.

#2 Solar Energy
Do you know the earth hour?
The Earth Hour event is organized worldwide every year, encouraging people, communities, households and companies to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. towards the end of March, as a symbol for their commitment to the planet.
If everyone would get light from solar energy, this movement wouldn't make sense anymore - its mission would probably be complete.
The solar energy has an uptrend today because it can give you freedom (you don’t have to depend on the energy provider or the government, you don’t harm the environment, you can use solar energy for free!).
The greatest thing about the solar energy is that it is FREE and INFINITE! The governments and companies know about it for decades, but they didn't want to make it look easy, because they could lose control over people by doing this.
If you want to help the people, you can support the free, safe, and limitless energy trend and start a solar energy business. You can produce, market, or distribute solar panels, solar heating systems, and other types of solar energy products.This may be a profitable business because solar panels are generally expensive but people buy it anyway because it is worth trying.
You can definitely make millions out of such a business, and more importantly, you can help people enjoy free energy!
All of these households don’t pay for the energy, and it’s cool, right?
#3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
What is a MRI?
First, look at this image:
If you never got through this weird tube, you should definitely recognize it from movies.
The MRI is a non-invasive method of analyzing tissues, internal organs (the brain, the heart, etc.), the vessels, the bones, and everything inside you with full detail. This is probably the best instrument to diagnose lots of diseases and problems. The great thing about the MRI is that it doesn't any side effects - it does not have an impact on your tissues or any part of the body. The Computer Tomography looks the same - but it uses radiation in order to watch the body inside - which is bad.
Healthcare accounts for approximately 16% of GDP in the US and is one of the largest sectors in most of countries. This is because there are many diseases and more people are aging. A MRI would definitely help people set a correct diagnosis.
A good MRI can cost $1 million alone, so you would need quite an investment if you want to produce such machines. However, MRI production is quite difficult for you - instead, you may distribute, produce special pieces or create a local small clinic around a good MRI.
There are many great ideas, but you should have the entrepreneurial skills, the ambition, the relationships, and good investment opportunities in order to get successful.
I hope this helps!


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