Thursday, 3 March 2016

What are the EC engineering last year project innovative ideas?

This is the problem with most of the ECE students I meet. Doing any thing practically requires practice. I have never seen any singer  start to learn singing, practice innovative songs. I have never seen a dancer  start  to learn dancing, practice innovative movements. Even actors  start to learn acting, see others acting at first and practice that.
  The trick of mastering a skill is not about innovation, it is all about doing by yourself. So first practice to do existing simple projects by yourself. At one stage you will know how to do  innovative projects. You should not ask for innovative projects. Here there are two things. First one is innovation and the second one is project. Never try to do two things simultaneously. First try do existing projects by yourself. Once you have mastered to do a project, then try for innovation.
  Sorry. I am not discouraging you. I have met more than 10000 ECE students. Most of the students ask for the same thing. Even the professors wanted the final year projects to be innovative. This does not work. If it had worked, we could have seen the result by now. We have more than 1,00,000 Electronics students studying every year in India. If every one does an innovative project, India should produce enormous amount of new products. But we have not produced even a single electronics product so far.
  Be real. Do not go by illusion.  Be fact based not feeling based. Today what the industry is looking for is the student who has done projects, not innovative projects.
  You are a new born baby. Just learn to Crawl -> Stand -> Walk -> Run. If you try to run initially itself, you will fall and may lose the interest on Running. That is what is happening to every ECE student in India. Initially itself they try to do some big/innovative project and lose interest on Electronics itself and then join an IT support job or do MBA.
  Be cool. Be consistent. Do the existing project by yourself without copying, every day. You are the master.
  If this answer hurts you, I am sorry. Always the TRUTH will hurt. If you go to a doctor, what medicine does the doctor give you? The one which you like or the one which is good for you. After 28 years experience, if I do not give the good to you, I am doing injustice to ECE students.


                                                           Snehasis Banarjee


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