Let me start this answer by a confession. After my first year engineering I made a resume and exaggerated a lot of things in it. In my defence I didn't now how to make a good resume then and I was desperately looking to do something useful during vacation. It was a big mistake and it didn't help at all.
I think creating a false resume is pretty much useless. Internship is usually for a very short duration and in order to make most out of your internship you should choose a position that is mutually fit for you. Since most interns are still students, the employee doesn't particularly expects the resume to be very stellar anyways. Even if you get an internship by creating a false resume you will not gain anything from that experience. Let your future employer judge the real you. It's good for everyone. The employer knows who will be the best fit for the position in context. If you aren't good enough for the work, you will have hard time figuring out stuff and end up having a bad learning experience.
It's okay to have a short resume if you don't have much to write. If you are capable enough then show your work. Check this awesome resume created by this girl from San Francisco who wanted to work at Airbnb - nina4airbnb. Such things will definitely draw attention of any potential employer.
If you have a GPA of 8.95 it is okay to round it off to 9.00 in some cases. But it's wrong to include an award you never received or to pretend that you're the topper of your class or about your previous internships.
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