Saturday, 5 March 2016

What is the simplest way to destroy a mobile phone so that no information can be recovered from it?

Okay so judging by the Will-it-Blend picture in your question, I guess you want to destroy it without breaking the blender. Well my option is getting 4 cinder blocks or a large thick stone mortar an pestle and mixing 75% iron oxide with 25% aluminum powder to make thermite. Ignite it with a soufflé torch or a butane lighter and voila, stick your phone and and watch it melt. It's pretty cool.
Edit: Remeber that thermite burns at extreme temperatures, use safety goggles and fire retardant gloves. Both iron oxide (rust) and aluminum powder (shave an aluminum can and crush it down with the mortar and pestle) are easy to acquire so it's not a hard process! Have fun


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