When you are designing your site you need to think about not only how
it is going to look and matters such as the colour scheme or layout, but you need to think also about the way your pages are going to interconnect, how you are going to handle navigation and indeed to this end what pages you actually want on your site to begin with.
it is going to look and matters such as the colour scheme or layout, but you need to think also about the way your pages are going to interconnect, how you are going to handle navigation and indeed to this end what pages you actually want on your site to begin with.
There are many different kinds of pages that can be included in a web design but not all of them will be appropriate for every website. That said it is important that you consider all of the potential pages that you may wish to include as featuring the right pages can greatly help you to make the most from your site – to offer the most to your visitors and to make the most profit when they get there. Here we will look at the pages that are often included in a website, and what they offer to the visitor and the webmaster so that you can decide which ones you want to use yourself.
Home Page
Having a home page which serves as the kind of ‘base’ for someone exploring your site is an important consideration and one that can help you also to grab the attention of someone visiting your site for the first time. This isn’t really an optional inclusion and is one that every site should feature, the onyx thing that might vary then here is HOW you go about making the most of it. Make sure then that you think here about what it is you want someone to do first when they visit your site, and that you think about what will be most likely to keep people on your page.
Privacy Policy
If you are using a third party analytics system or advertisements you must include a privacy policy page to inform your visitors about the information that may be shared with others. If you take your visitor’s email address, phone number or postal address, it’s essential that they know what you can do with this data.
A contact page is something that everyone should include on their site as you will likely be presently surprised at the opportunities that can open up for your website or your business if you open the lines of communication. You might just find that you develop some very useful partnerships for instance that can prove to be profitable.
About Page
An about page is a useful place to really outline the mission statement of your website and this is a good way to tell visitors exactly what it is that they are looking at and of also promoting yourself as a worthy authority on the subject that you’re writing on. It also helps the audience to feel more as though they know you which will help them to become more attached and emotionally invested in your site.
Site Map
A site map is a highly useful tool for letting your visitors find the page they want and this can overcome problems with your navigation. At the same time though this is also a useful SEO tool as it gives Google access to every page on your site. Keep this thorough and up to date and Google will be able to index your site quickly and accurately.
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